Helen Ainsworth and John Mowat present
directed by John Mowat
"Janet" tells the story of the residents in a block of flats inspired by living on the Maiden Lane Estate, Kings Cross and influenced by "Artful" by Ali Smith also the short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The show follows the life of the residents and their dreams and fears focusing on the story of a young woman - "Janet", represented by a lump of uncooked bread dough. The other residents are represented by other paraphernalia.
www.helenandjohn.co.uk www.doodleesquit.com Janet |
Sunday 10th December at 7.30pm
Tickets: £3
Running Time: 40 minutes 16+. May contain sex, bad language and violence between objects. None of the objects wear clothes at any point in the show. Ticket purchases are non refundable. Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members; Portico Places cardholders. As a young venue we are still upgrading and developing the space, any additional donations are much appreciated and will be used towards improving the theatre even further and keeping the venue going in the long-term. |