Game Over is black-comedy about two men who both commit suicide on the same night and have to compete via a series of game-show rounds for the right to stay dead.
It’s judgement day, but only losers will be admitted. Steve and Max are at opposite ends of the social spectrum. But both felt they had good reason to end their lives. At the start of the play we see them arrive at "limbo", a dark place populated by lost souls (the audience) and "Death". Death explains that due to a clerical error, only one of them will be allowed to die - and that the other will have to go back to "their living hell on Earth". In order to decide who dies, both characters are forced to play a series of game-show style rounds to see who has the more miserable existence, thereby showing themselves worthy of grim reaper's scythe. As the play unfolds, the game-show devices are used to uncover the truth about each character's back-story and also ask them to explore the reasons for their current predicament. With GAME OVER, Skitzoid Productions aim to both entertain and get under the covers of why someone might consider taking their own life. Profits from performances will support CALM, Help Counselling, CCPE, One in Four and Maytree Respite Centre. Website: www.gameovertheplay.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/gameovertheplay/ Twitter: twitter.com/GameOverThePlay The Character Death on Twitter: twitter.com/DeathInLimbo Audience feedback: www.gameovertheplay.com Game Over |
Tuesday 3rd July at 7pm
Wednesday 4th July at 7pm Thursday 5th July at 7pm Friday 6th July at 7pm Saturday 7th July at 7pm Tickets: £14 | Concessions:£12
Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes (including interval) Trigger warning for topics and feelings surrounding suicide. Ticket purchases are non refundable. Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members; Portico Places cardholders. As a young venue we are still upgrading and developing the space, any additional donations are much appreciated and will be used towards improving the theatre even further and keeping the venue going in the long-term. |