Eat Your Heart Out is a coming-of-age comedy about a woman’s struggle for self-acceptance amidst the pressures of the clean-eating, body-positive and fitness-focused Instagram generation. Full of humour and heart, it rewrites the enduring myths that women are forced to consume: from the forbidden fruit to the poisoned apple, from one generation to the next. A devised work, written and created in the rehearsal room, this is a play about eating much too little or far too much.
Cast: Mia Georgis, Asa Haynes, Ella McCallum, Charlotte Dowding. Lighting designer: Jennifer Hurd. Sound designer: Cassie White Twitter: @EYHOfringe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tightropeoxford |
Friday 27th July at 7pm
Saturday 28th July at 7pm Tickets: £10| Concessions: £8
Running time: 55mins CW: Eating disorder references. Ticket purchases are non refundable. Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members; Portico Places cardholders. As a young venue we are still upgrading and developing the space, any additional donations are much appreciated and will be used towards improving the theatre even further and keeping the venue going in the long-term. |