Can one word alter the course of your life? Through a dizzying fugue of vignettes, audiences watch as Marianne and Roland’s relationship unfolds across time and space, with each variation sending their relationship on an entirely new trajectory.
'Let's go for a drink. I don't know what I'm doing here anyway. One drink. And if you never want to see me again you never have to see me again.' “Constellations” is a play about free will and friendship; it's about quantum multiverse theory, love and honey. Science and romance collide in this unusual love story that’s delighted audiences in London and in New York with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wlilson. “Constellations” premiered at the Theatre Upstairs at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in January 2012. It transferred to the Duke Of York's Theatre, London, in November, and was awarded the Evening Standard award for Best New Play 2012. Roland: Lee Thomas Marianne: Katriona Perrett Director: Charlotte Peters Producer: Steve Graham (London Irish Productions) Production Manager: Robbie Olden Twitter: @lonirishprods Facebook: lonirishprods Email: [email protected] |
Tickets: £12 | Concessions: £10
Running Time: 70 minutes This production contains some strong language. Ticket purchases are non refundable. Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members; Portico Places cardholders. As a young venue we are still upgrading and developing the space, any additional donations are much appreciated and will be used towards improving the theatre even further and keeping the venue going in the long-term.